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mofiria Application

mofiria Application is a simple application package using the identity verification by mofiria device. It consists of the following three applications:

  • mofiria Manager Application
  • Data Encryption Tool
  • Password Management Application

Software Summary

Each application uses the mofiria SDK to control mofiria device. The behavior of the software program is described below.

Image of mofiria Application Behavior

mofiria Manager Application

mofiria Application Manager generates and manages finger vein template data commonly used by mofiria applications.
This application provides the features of generation of the template using mofiria SDK, and creation/export/import/deletion of the template files. It is also possible to check the authentication operation using the generated or imported template data.

Development Information

Software and technology information used to develop the application

Software mofiria SDK
Programming Language C++
Technology AES

Application Screenshot (Reference)

Main screen
Template enrollment screen

Data Encryption Tool

Data encryption tool is a data encryption/decryption tool which confirms operation permission with finger vein authentication.
It generates an encrypted file adding the template of the user who is permitted to decrypt the file. The template is extracted from the encrypted file when user operates decryption. The extracted template is imported to the mofiria device, and finger vein authentication is required before decrypting the encrypted data. File decryption can only be done after successful authentication.

Development Information

Software and technology information used to develop the application

Software mofiria SDK, Open SSL, 7zip
Programming Language C++
Technology AES, Data Compression

Application Screenshot (Reference)

Encryption dialog
 Decryption dialog

Password Management Tool

Password Management tool is an application to record and save the sets of user ID and password used for identification.

There are many software applications that manage passwords with another password. However, such application requires passphrase which have enough strength, and this passphrase still have risks to be forgotten.

Using finger vein authentication instead of using a passphrase can solve the risk of forgetting passphrases and user can get rid of cumbersome passwords.

Password management tool calls for finger vein authentication when password is encrypted and decrypted. The operation can be done only after successful authentication.

Development Information

Software and technology information used to develop the application

Softwaremofiria SDK, Open SSL
Programming LanguageC++

Application Screenshot (Reference)

Startup authentication dialog
Password management dialog